National Leadership

Dr Joyce Kule

Chief of Staff

Dr Joyce Kule

Chief Of Staff (COS) role cuts across all Strategies and is a supportive function to the National Team Leader, overseeing staff affairs and creating conducive environment in which staff can attain their full potential and thrive in ministry. I double as the Regional Coordinator for North Western (West Nile) Region, pioneering in missional gaps and ensuring LMU reaches scope in Uganda and beyond.

My life slogan/purpose is: Equip, Empower and Multiply (EEM) John 15:16. I’m passionate about grooming, empowering and enabling people to discover and cultivate their God given potential and live out their life purposes. Collaboration and building Strategic Partnerships is one of my key life principles.

To know one thing is another and to know what to do with what you know is another. Raised by believing parents and having grown in and around Church, participating in church activities,(prayers, Sunday School, Bible studies, fellowships), I believed I was following God, was doing good, and a Christian until I was confronted with the one foot (12 inches) gap analysis and reality of my relationship with God and where I will spend eternity. I did not want to miss eternity with God by just one foot. Much as I knew many things about God, was quite religious I had not subjected my will to God. I had no assurance of personal relationship with God. The head knowledge needed to be translated into full trust and faith in God, consequenting in surrendering my life to Christ. On 6th Dec 1973, I invited Christ into my life as my Saviour and Lord. Today I live with full assurance of enjoying God’s presence for eternity.

Got exposed to LIFE Ministry Uganda from High School through to College. I learnt to share my faith and grew in love with missions and seeing lives transformed by power of God’s word. The charge during a fellowship meeting by end of final year at College was “Life’s best Investment”. One would not delight in serving leftovers to special friends but would invest to give the best. I was convicted not to give leftovers to God. God deserves the best of me, including the investment of the prime years of my life for his service. Untie the colt and let Christ ride on.

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