Ministry Strategies

Jesus Film Project

Since 1979 when it was produced, the Jesus Film has been instrumental in bringing countless individuals to Christ across the globe.

Leader Strategies

Leader Impact is the marketplace arm of LIFE Ministry Uganda, where the ambition and success of the modern business leader meets the eternal significance of a life lived in relationship with God.

Digital Strategies

Digital Strategies (DS) seeks to know, engage and empower like-minded believers in Uganda through digital tools for evangelism and discipleship.

Student-Led Movement

SLM reaches students on university campuses and high-schools. We strongly believe in and emphasize the priority of proclamation of the gospel.


Leadership Development & Human Resource (LDHR) integrates HR functions with leadership development, strategy, processes, and staff care to enhance organizational capacity.

Resource Development

Resource Development aims to support the ministry's move towards sustainability by equipping every leader, member and team to effectively raise support, and building a network of partners in every city.

Global Church Movement

Global Church Movements contribute to the fulfillment of the Great Commission by helping establish vital, multiplying and sustainable churches and faith communities.


Operations goal is to enhance operational capacity and wise stewardship of people and resources to help the national ministry achieve its mission and vision. Operations facilitate field ministry, provide leaders with essential information for sound decision-making, and ensure compliance with regulatory bodies

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