Regional Coverage

Eastern Region Uganda

Here, we strive to share the love of Christ and empower communities through various impactful strategies and activities. Our work in the Eastern Regions is driven by three core Strategies: Jesus Film Project, Leader Strategies, and Global Church Movements. Below, you'll find an overview of our efforts, designed to inform and engage you with the work we are doing in the East.

Jesus Film Project

Translation of Walking with Jesus Film

We are dedicated to making the message of Jesus accessible to everyone. Our team is working tirelessly to translate the "Walking with Jesus" series into local languages including Lusoga, Ateso and Nga’karimajong. This initiative helps us reach diverse communities with the Gospel in their heart.

Jesus Film Ministry by Great Commission ResourceTeams (GCRT)

These teams are actively showing the Jesus Film in numerous areas across the region. This visual presentation of the life of Christ is a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship, sparking conversations and conversions across the region.Hundreds of thousands of people have been exposed to the Gospel and thousands have come to the saving Knowledge of Christ as a result

National Mission to Karamoja

Mark your calendars! From August 22-31, 2024, we will be conducting a National Mission in five districts of Karamoja: Morot, Kotido, Abim, Napak, and Amudat. This mission aims to bring the Gospel to remote areas, offering hope and building faith among the local populations.

Leader Strategies

In November 2022, we launched Leader Strategies in the Eastern Region. Hundreds of marketplace leaders and executives are involved in ministry, being equipped to reach other professionals with the message of Christ

Professional Bible Study in Jinja

We believe in equipping leaders with a strong biblical foundation. Our Professional Bible Study sessions in Jinja provide in-depth biblical knowledge and practical leadership skills to professionals who are eager to integrate their faith into their daily lives.

Borehole Sinking and Repairs by Unto

Access to clean water is a fundamental need. In collaboration with Unto, we are sinking and repairing boreholes in Iganga and Kamuli. This initiative not only meets physical needs but also opens doors for sharing the Gospel and building lasting relationships with communities.

Community Ministry

New Life Training Curriculum

We are committed to training and empowering future church leaders. 35 leaders are undergoing training since January 2024 across the region, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to lead effectively and spread the Gospel.

MC2 Training in Kamuli and Pallisa

Our Multiplying Churches and Communities (MC2) training sessions in Kamuli and Pallisa focus on church planting and community development. By training local leaders, we aim to create a ripple effect that multiplies churches and transforms communities.

We invite you to join us in this mission, whether through prayer, finances, or active participation. Together, we can make a lasting impact in the Eastern Region, sharing the love of Christ and fostering sustainable growth and development.

Regional Team

Henry Tenywa
Henry Tenywa
Regional Coordinator
Joshua Lukenge
Joshua Lukenge

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