Ministry Strategies

Leader Strategies

Leader Strategies (LS) is a volunteer-led movement of leaders dedicated to having a lasting impact. LS is a broad umbrella strategy that encourages various approaches to many spheres of influencers.


Marketplace Leaders Transforming every domain in every city in Uganda and beyond.


Win, Build, and Send multiplying leaders in every domain in every city in Uganda and beyond

LS focuses on reaching the top echelon of society. These are marketplace leaders, executives, and families. We aim at developing leaders that will cause an eternal impact in every city in Uganda and beyond by modeling integrity and the biblical worldview in the workplace and in the family.

Leader Strategies exists because:

  1. Leaders need to be great professionally in order to establish credibility.
  2. The personal health and relationships of the leader need to be in order.
  3. Leaders need to have a faith in God through Jesus Christ that directs every action.
  4. When these areas come together - they become leaders who will have an impact.

We reach leaders because:

  1. Leaders need to be personally connected to God.
  2. Leaders have incredible influence
  3. Leaders know how to make things happen.
  4. Leaders give to and sponsor things that are priorities for them.

Under Leader Strategies, we have several programs:

  1. LeaderImpact: reaches professionals in their various spheres of influence and equips them to reach other professionals.
  2. FamilyLife: reaches singles, engaged couples, and marrieds by effectively developing godly families who change the world one home at a time.
  3. Executive and Embassy Ministry: reaches and equips top executives who transform their workplaces and families.
  4. Life at the Crossroads: addresses moral decadence through character education and life skills training.
  5. Life School Project: builds the capacity of educators and equips them to reach out to fellow educators in order to change the world.

In all our strategies, we employ a 4 component process, shown below:

4 component process

Vision: We cast the vision to Christian professionals and executives on why and how to reach fellow leaders highlighting that they are full-time ministers. Leaders are challenged to use their profession as a platform for ministry.

Training: The Christian professionals and executives are then equipped to do Evangelism and discipleship in the marketplace. They are equipped to translate their experience, expertise and personal faith journey into a story they can share naturally and effectively with others in their spheres of influence.

Forums: A forum event is organized by trained leaders. A forum an engagement of like-minded professionals that discuss and find solutions to today’s glaring issues in the marketplace. This can be a breakfast, lunch, or dinner meeting or even an online engagement.

Groups: After the forum, groups of professionals with diverse spiritual and life experiences are formed. These groups regularly meet together to explore the importance of faith in Jesus Christ in their lives.

After the Groups, the cycle continues as multiplication also takes place since the Group members are now challenged to become Group Leaders.

Leader Strategies Team

Mr. Elon Katweheyo
Mr. Katweheyo Elon
Team Leader
Mrs. Ruth Katweheyo
Mrs. Katweheyo Ruth
Leader Impact
Dr. Ken Chapman
Dr. Chapman Ken
Executive and Embassy
Mrs. Lynn Chapman
Mrs. Chapman Lynn
Executive and Embassy
Mr. Francis Mutatiina
Mr. Mutatiina Francis
Family Life
Mrs. Allen Mutatiina
Mrs. Mutatiina Allen
Family Life
Mrs. Sarah Wataba
Mrs. Wataba Sarah
Life at the CrossRoads
Dr. Peter Asiimwe
Dr. Asiimwe Peter
Executive and Embassy
Mrs. Grace Kyotabona
Mrs. Asiime Elizabeth
Leader Impact
Mr. Kobe Stanley
Mr. Kobe Stanley
Family Life
Mrs. Kyobe Norah
Mrs. Kyobe Norah
Family Life
Victoria Mutebi
Victoria Mutebi
Family Life
Rose Kashemire
Rose Kashemire

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