Leadership Development and Human Resource
Ministry Strategies

Leadership Development and Human Resource

Human Resources is a term that has grown increasingly during the 90s and through the turn of the millennium to bring together many of the “people” functions within organizations. It incorporates the administrative personnel functions with areas of training and development, and has an emphasis on working strategically to move an organization forward. In many organizations, it includes the functions of performance management, employment relations and resource planning. In our Movement, it also includes the important areas of leadership development and member care, hence the title; Leadership Development & Human Resource (LDHR).

“Any organization is only as good as its people”. The more efficient the staff team, the more the organizational capacity is expanded and the greater the potential for success.

LDHR can be broken down into 4 functions;

  1. Strategy: In this function, we collaborate with other leaders to help achieve our people objective.
  2. Development: We develop a pool of leaders who will effectively build spiritual Movements.
  3. Processes: We implement Processes that make staff life easier.
  4. Care: We ensure that all staff are known, needed and have a future.

I believe, LDHR is not just a ” support function” but more like an “internal field ministry” – LDHR has been set apart for the ministry of meeting the needs of God’s people called to serve Him in our movement.

Leadership Development and Human Resource Team Lead

Sheila Ahimbisibwe
Sheila Ahimbisibwe
Team Leader

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