National Director

Mr and Mrs Wataba David

Warm greetings in the matchless name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

These are exciting and yet challenging days! Exciting because there is an unprecedented hunger for God and a powerful move of the Holy Spirit, which could make our generation see the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Information and communication technology (ICT) have made it possible for the gospel to go to everyone everywhere. This digital age has made it possible for us to take the gospel to the living rooms of those whom we would not have ordinarily seen in a Sunday service. What if we harnessed all these ICT resources for the Great Commission!

However, we are living in challenging days too. The recent pandemic of COVID-19 has threatened the very existence of mankind in general and the Church in particular. The lockdown with stringent Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) has struck fear and despair, disproportionately affecting life, work and Church worship. Sadly, some ministers of the gospel were caught unprepared to the extent that closing Church buildings for worship has meant no worship at all. The Apostle Paul’s words to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:9 assure us that even though he, the messenger was in chains, the gospel wasn’t. Additionally, in Acts 5:42, ministry by the Apostles was done both in temple courts or Church buildings and from house to house. This model fits in the current COVID-19 SOPs situation that social gatherings not exceed 10 people, even as we travail in prayer beseeching God for the reopening of Church buildings.

Just before we knew COVID-19 would escalate into a lockdown, the Lord impressed upon us the need to prepare for online, virtual and digital ministry. When the lockdown went into effect, on March 30, 2020, the following month we launched Hope2020, which was a gospel response to COVID-19 situation declaring that Christ is the hope of glory, standing on Colossians1:27. This brought exponential growth in terms of new believers, disciples, labourers for the great commission and building digital capacity for the new normal in ministry. Whatever the devil meant for evil, God has turned it for the good and extension of His Kingdom. Jesus Christ will build His Church, and the gates of Hades (Hell) shall not prevail against it, Matthew 16:18. We are so privileged to participate in the preparation of the bride.

We are excited to share with you what the Lord is doing in and through LIFE Ministry Uganda as we step out by faith. Our theme this year 2020, is; “Arise, get empowered and be fruitful” taken from Genesis 35:1-15. Just like Jacob and his household, the LIFE Ministry Uganda family desires to live in the presence of God and hear His voice continually. Throughout the year we will also celebrate 50 years since the ministry was established in Uganda! Watch out for more news on this golden jubilee celebration.

The stories you will enjoy here are a result of the invaluable and sacrificial efforts of the Board of Directors, staff, partners and stakeholders. Without them, we would have no wheels to go and make disciples. All that we are doing has been undergirded by regular earnest prayers and total dependence upon God.

In these exciting days, the challenges notwithstanding, none should be bystanders or spectators in this end-time drama, nor should we count days. On the contrary, we should make every day count, living with an eternal perspective and investing in causes of eternal significance, “… where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:19-21. May the Lord bless you abundantly.

Yours in His Grip,

David and Sarah Wataba

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