Regional Coverage

South Western Uganda

South Western Uganda

Planting Spiritual Movements in South Western Uganda

Welcome to our South Western Uganda ministry page! Here, we are passionately working to build spiritual movements of multiplying disciples across the region. Our efforts span several key strategies and ongoing activities aimed at transforming lives and communities for Christ.

Region Overview

Our ministry covers the diverse sub-regions of Ankole, Kigezi, Muhabura (Kisoro), and Bukonzo (Kasese). We have established ministry teams throughout these areas, actively working in the districts of Mbarara, Ntungamo, Kabale, Kisoro, Rukungiri, Sheema, Bushenyi, Kasese, and Ibanda.

Our Strategies

Leader Strategies

LeaderImpact Groups: These groups are designed to develop and support leaders in various spheres of influence, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to integrate their faith into their professional and personal lives. There are over 7 LeaderImpact Groups meeting in the region

Homebuilders Groups: Focused on strengthening families, these groups provide biblical teaching and support for building strong, faith-filled homes. We currently have over 40 Groups across the region.

New Life Training Curriculum: This curriculum is aimed at training future church leaders, providing them with comprehensive biblical knowledge and practical leadership skills. 41 church leaders are undergoing training in 2023. Over 50 students at Kampala International University (KIU) Ishaka Campus have undergone the training in partnership with Ishaka Community Church (ICC).

Jesus Film Project

Great Commission Resource Teams: These teams utilize Jesus Film tools and resources for evangelism and discipleship in both churches and schools. The visual storytelling of the Jesus Film has a profound impact, making the Gospel accessible and relatable to many. Hundreds of thousands of people have been exposed to the Gospel and thousands have come to the saving Knowledge of Christ as a result.

Student-Led Movements

Student Leadership and Action Group Activities: At Kampala International University (KIU) Ishaka campus, we encourage student-led initiatives that foster leadership and spiritual growth.

Evangelism and Discipleship Activities: At Ankole Western University, we conduct various activities aimed at spreading the Gospel and nurturing the spiritual growth of students.

Digital Ministry Training: We have equipped students of Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) in how to use Digital tools, platforms and resources in ministry. More trainings are underway during this financial year; 2024/2025

In South Western Uganda, we are committed to planting and growing spiritual movements of Christ-centered Multiplying disciples across the region. We invite you to join us in this mission, whether through prayer, finances, expertise, or active involvement. Together, we can make a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God in this beautiful region.

Regional Team

Francis Mutatiina
Francis Mutatiina
Regional Coordinator
Allen Mutatiina
Allen Mutatiina

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