Student-led Movement
Ministry Strategies

Student-Led Movement

Uganda has the second youngest population in the world, with a median age of 16.3 years, following Benin. As of 2024, approximately 46.5% of Uganda's population is aged 0 to 14 years, 40% is aged 15 to 35 years.

Given this demographic, it is concerning to observe the direction this generation is heading considering the influence of modern media promoting an immoral lifestyle among the youth, including issues such as homosexuality, lesbianism, pornography, inappropriate dress codes, premarital sex, drug abuse, and addictions. Majority of these young people are in High school and at Campus. It’s worth noting that they are the future leaders of Uganda, and if this trend continues unchecked, it raises questions about the kind of leaders we are raising as a nation. These are the next presidents, civil servants, judges, parliamentarians, social workers that the country will depend on for its future.

Therefore, it is crucial to address this issue now. We believe that Jesus Christ is the only hope for this identified problem at hand. Our youth needs Him more than ever. As the Student-Led Movement (SLM), our mission is to Win, Build and Send Christ centered multiplying Disciples who launch Spiritual Movement. Our goal is to reach every student in High Schools and on Campuses across the country with a clear presentation of the gospel and raise leaders by offering life-changing discipleship and hence, building a spiritual movement on every Campus and High School in Uganda so that everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus Christ. We cannot achieve this alone and we call on you to join hands together with us and help fulfill the Great Commission in our time.


University Movements

The university/campus movement is the heart of our ministry. We equip students for life, ministry, and leadership on campus and beyond. We currently have active ministry presence on six universities, and these are Makerere University, Makerere University Business School (MUBS), Kampala International University (KIU) Western campus, Uganda Christian University (UCU) Mukono, Kyambogo University and Africa Renewal University (AFRU).

Effective July 2024, we are expanding to all regions of the country by opening ministry in sixteen new universities which are; Bishop Stewart University (BSU), Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), Makerere University Business school (MUBS)Mbarara, Mutesa I Royal University, Nile Vocational Institute Masaka, Kabale University, Bishop Balam University, Gulu University, Gulu School of Clinical Officers, Lira University, Busitema University, West Ankole University, Kyambogo University (KYU) Bushenyi and MUNI University, UCU Arua.

High School Movements

We desire to reach every high school student in Uganda by building spiritual movements so that every student has a clear opportunity to know and follow Jesus Christ. We have worked with over 50 schools across the country over the years.

The Bridge Program

Bridge is a program designed to help young people who have left High school get ready to deal with life at university/college and beyond. We do this by helping them understand the opportunities and challenges of life and how they can make the right decisions that will enable them to lay a firm foundation for a successful life in college/ university and for the rest of their lives.


The following are some of the major activities we do; One on one evangelism, evangelistic events, talk shows, seminars, Inter Campus Students conference, outings with students disciples, Students overnights, Retreats and Trainings.

Student-Led Movement Team

Sheila Ahimbisibwe
Sheila Ahimbisibwe
Acting SLM Team Leader
Denis Byaruhanga
Denis Byaruhanga
High School Ministry Coordinator
Habakkuk Abaho
Habakkuk Abaho
Kyambogo University
Kayanja Brian Emmanuel
Kayanja Brian Emmanuel
Uganda Christian University (UCU), Mukono
Naume Ndimurungi
Naume Ndimurungi
Makerere University
Ben Kumanya
Ben Kumanya
Makerere University
Geoffrey Okeny
Geoffrey Okeny
Makerere University Business School (MUBS)
Nelson Ekwan
Nelson Ekwan
Kyambogo University
Paul Wasswa
Paul Wasswa
Nkumba University

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