National Leadership

Sheila Ahibisibwe

Leadership Development and Human Resource Director

Sheila Ahibisibwe

I am Sheila Ahimbisibwe, a staff of LIFE Ministry Uganda, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. I am married to Onesmus Ahimbisibwe and have been blessed with 4 children. I am a graduate teacher by profession with an accounting background too.

I gave my life to Jesus Christ on 3 November 1996 in senior two while at Kyeizooba Girls' S.S. I was raised in a Christian home but by very strict parents. I do not remember any time when I left home to go and visit a friend or my friends coming home to visit. As a result, I grew up very reserved and I carefully lived my life both at home and school. I always thought I was a “good girl” and did not see any reason why I needed to give my life to Jesus.

It was one day when a team from LIFE Ministry Uganda -Mbarara then visited our school to show us the Jesus Film. After the movie, a simple message was shared about God's love and forgiveness. It was at this point that I realised how much I needed Jesus and I confessed him as my personal Lord and Saviour. Since then it has been a journey with a number of life experiences where I have had to make a choice to forgive even if I do not like it. I grew up with a strong desire to serve God full time. At one point I thought deeply about getting ordained and climbing ladders with hope that I would one day become the first African woman Bishop in history.

I met staff from the organisation again in 2000 while at Kyambogo University in my first year. I still have fresh memories of the fresher's week where we received white envelopes as gifts containing a welcome note, a letter from the organisation, comment card, Four Spiritual Laws (an evangelism tool) among other things. I felt at home and straight away got a shoulder to lean on for all my 3 years at university. At this point, I would like to thank Mr& Mrs. Mutatiina and Mr. Robert Ssemanda, then, who were the missionaries attached to Kyambogo University and invested their lives in me. Yes, much as I joined the University when I was already a believer, I had never been disciplined, so they met me in my raw state. I started sensing the call to join staff while in my second year at the University. By the time I was completing my final year I was fully convinced that the Lord had called me to serve as a missionary with LIFE Ministry Uganda so I joined in 2004 immediately after my studies as a volunteer for one year and later joined as a missionary in 2005.

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