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A call to help fulfill the great commission

Kasumba Richard

It was on Saturday, 26th March 2022 that I got distressed as I pondered on the realities of our generation. The Bible in Hosea 4:6 stresses that God's people perish because of lack of knowledge. "How come there is more destruction in the world even when knowledge has seemingly increased?" I asked myself. It is a paradox!

A week later, I thought that I had figured it out. In my opinion, this generation has been exposed to too much knowledge about God and we are persuaded that we know it all. However, we remain complacent to that which we have known and we do not aim for the depth of the knowledge and truth therein. Neither do we apply it in our lives. But then, the Students' retreat that I attended during the Easter holiday gave me a whole new and bigger perspective to this paradox as we were being trained in the Basic Level of New Life Training Curriculum (NLTC).

I figured out that the real heart of the problem is disobedience. We have failed to stand out and take the initiative to share the Truth we know thus the great destruction. Those 'who think they know' have themselves become a stumbling block to themselves; not giving themselves wholly to the Lordship of Jesus. We have loved so much of the world against Apostle Paul's caution, "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Romans 12:2. More so, we have forsaken the mandate our Lord Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:18-20, "Go and make disciples of all nations . . . teaching them to obey all I have commanded you". We procrastinate about reaching out to people and instead give excuses; "how will they see me?", "am sure they will reject me", "I do not think it is worth the shot". We have chosen the easy way out, thereby denying the saving power of God and living in utter disobedience.

Witnessing for Christ both with our lives and words is and should be part of who we are. We ought to simply take the initiative to share Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leave the results to God. That is what success in witnessing is about and every Christian must live by that as a lifestyle. As a result, we will be a great resource to our friends, families, communities and the country at large as we share Christ. Perhaps the world needs to see people who have been transformed by the knowledge of truth as a testimony for their own salvation.

I am grateful to the facilitators who obeyed God and allowed Him to use them to help me solve the complex questions I had. I pledge to pass on what I have learnt to others so that everyone knows something who not only knows but also follows Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

By Kasumba Richard, A student at Kyambogo University 

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