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Forget the Past, Embrace the New: A Message of Hope from Isaiah 43:18-19

Ketra Naluja June 13, 2024

Life isn't always easy. Disappointments, difficulties, and obstacles are universal experiences. It could seem like we can't get out of this rut sometimes. Imagine, however, if you could finally let go of the past and welcome the future with open arms. Isaiah 43:18–19 contains a strong message of optimism from the book of Isaiah: Put the past in the past. "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."

God is unconstrained by our transgressions and shortcomings, as these words provide as a reminder. Even though we are going through a lot, he is still making stuff. He begs us to stop dwelling on the past and start living in the present so that we may embrace the future.

Release from the Past

Sometimes it's hard to move on from the past. Some of us let past wounds, regrets, or failures define us and keep us from reaching our full potential. But dwelling on the past only serves to imprison us. For all intents and purposes, "The best way to predict the future is to create it." It is the year 2024, and here we are already. We have entered a new year, which is inherently something fresh, since God controls the passage of time.

The extent to which we achieve our goals this year is directly related to how we welcome the new year. To that position of doing things differently, God is calling us. "History repeats itself," says the old-fashioned proverb. Keep in mind that when we stick to the old way, history tends to repeat itself. We usually achieve the same outcomes when we stick to the old ways. The year 2024 is a year of divine order from the prophetic point of view. The body of Christ has a whole new year to go back to God's original plan. "But put his kingdom and his righteousness first, and the rest will follow, 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well," Matthew 6:33 states. Our relationship with God this year ought to be one of purpose. If one does seek God first, then everything else will fall into place. We should seek God's will in everything that we do.

Some advice on moving on from the past:

  • Let go of resentment and blame. The only way to avoid future pain is to let go of resentment and blame. Pick up the pieces, forgive yourself and everyone else, and keep going.
  • Stay in the here and now. Stop thinking about the possibilities. Pay attention to the here and now, on the things you have control over.
  • Gratitude is embraced. Count your blessings, no matter how little, and be grateful for them every day. Expressing gratitude might assist in changing your perspective from a negative to a positive one.
  • Embracing the New Once we let go of the past, we can open ourselves up to the new things God has in store for us. But how do we recognize these new things?

Here are a few signs to watch for:

  • New opportunities. Pay attention to new opportunities that come your way, even if they seem small or insignificant. They could be the start of something amazing.
  • New desires. Do you have a new desire to learn something new, try something different, or help others? These desires could be God leading you in a new direction
  • New connections. Pay attention to the people you meet. They could be part of your new journey. Trusting in God's Timing It's important to remember that God's timing is not always our timing. Sometimes, we may not see the new thing God is doing right away. But we can trust that He is faithful to His promises, and He will bring His plans to pass.

Isaiah 43:18-19 offers a message of hope and encouragement for anyone who is feeling stuck or discouraged. It reminds us that God is always doing new things, and He invites us to join Him on this journey of transformation. So, let go of the past, embrace the new, and trust in God's perfect timing. He has amazing things in store for you! 

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